Thursday, October 1, 2009

I'm hot

I am all steamed up  I cannot take it anymore.  There's so many hurting people so many who do not know where to go to find help and wholeness.  Day after day, week after week, month after month they do the same thing over and over expecting different results. Its driving us crazy.  We have become isolated, ritualized, impersonal and quietly desperate.  The situation has become so bad that it is like trying to eat a dinosaur.  Even if your attempt is one bite at a time, its overwhelming.  But we cannot give up.  We must continue to fight.  We must come out of our houses and visit our neighbors  We must get involved with people that no one else sees value in.

No one person, except God, has the power or ability to affect the kind of change that we need.  Every one of us has the power to do more than we are doing now.  It has been said that the world is going to hell in a handbasket.  How much are we really doing to stop that?  I am not talking about spreading religion.  I am talking about sharing the Jesus who is the Savior of our souls.... the real Jesus.  The living Jesus who defeated death and conquered the grave.  So that he could freely give us an eternal relationship with himself and with his father through His spirit.
I want to shout it from the highest rooftop.  I want to send out e-mails, snail mails, instant messages, radio announcements, TV commercials, and anything else that will get the message into the hearts and minds of people.  Grace is waiting.  Grace is free for us, because he paid the price.  Grace is healing.  Grace makes you whole.  Grace is the answer to whatever question you have.  Not mushy touchy-feely grace.  Not grace that points you to religious ceremonies, philosophies or theologies.  But a strong grace, a powerful grace, an eternal life that starts the moment you open up your heart and mind to the abiding love of God.

You do not have to be a minister or a great scholar or a politician to qualify. You don't have to be rich.  Being poor will not help you either.  There is no front of the line on which to fight your way forward.  This, instead, is somebody knocking at the door of your heart asking to come in and be with you.  So what do we do?  One day at a time, one person at a time we take our eyes off of ourselves and help someone else with a genuine touch and the willingness to serve; whatever their needs might be.  Preach the gospel, the good news, and if necessary use words.

Let yourself get fired up.  Change your expectations.  Look around you.  See who is really there.  Listen.  Hear their cries.  Be Jesus with skin on.  Every small action done on Earth is magnified infinitely in heaven.  If you feel weak, he is your strength  If you are wounded, he is your healer.  If you are confused, do not know where to go, he is the way.  He will go with you even to the very gates of hell.  Do not let another opportunity pass you by.  Today is the day of salvation.  Carpe diem.

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