Monday, January 17, 2011


It's been a long time since I've written anything on this post  I think I'm going to do things a little differently, however, for a while.  I'm going to try to post something most everyday, whether long or short, and keep my focus tighter with some emphasis on the battle that I'm in.

Today's been a good day.  The fourth in a row; which is almost record.  I had a long spell during which I could not tell from day-to-day whether I would be able to do physical things or even control my thoughts.  Constant pain, dizziness, cramped muscles and overall weakness just seemed to be a part of everyday life.  Now that I've had a break, I realize that my circumstances had been pushing me around and that  my attitude could all too easily fall into the dumpster if I focused on them.  On the other hand, if I remembered the good things that had happened in the past and the continued provision of the Lord, my attitude remained elevated.  It didn't change the circumstances, but it changed me.  Attitude equals altitude. Enough said.

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